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13 vintage Christmas ads that are sexist AF

Welcome to day five of the 12 Days of Blogmas!

I can't speak for every midcentury enthusiast on this topic but I'd go out on a limb to say that the majority of us enjoy vintage aesthetic, not vintage values.

Oh sure, holding doors for others and treating others as you'd want to be treated is fine. I'm talking more about the relentless oppression of women. Categorically speaking, we were viewed as the gentler (weaker) sex and were expected to fit into a specific mold.

And let me just specify that I'm a big fan of looking at history with context. After all, you can't compare two different time periods without looking at the socioeconomic factors of the time. So while I understand women of the 1940's and 1950's had different lives than women today, it still seems extremely silly that advertisers positioned household appliances as the ultimate Christmas gift for women.

P.S. let me fill you in on a secret — unless she asks for a household appliance, don't get her one for Christmas. Not unless you want to be hit over the head with one.

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